
AutoCAD limits command

AutoCAD drawing limits command is used to sets and controls the limits of the grid display in the current Model or layout tab, to set up autocad extents for the drafting space. 

How to access LIMITS: 

You can access to LIMITS function by two way, from the menu, or by inputting command in command line. 

Approach 1: Menu: Format  Drawing Limits
Approach 2: Command entry: limits (or 'limits for transparent use)

After accessing to LIMITS, setting drawing limits in autocad as following instruction: 

Specify lower left corner or [ ON/ OFF] <current>: Specify a point, enter on or off, or press ENTER

Lower-Left Corner
Specifies the lower-left corner for the grid limits.
Specify upper right corner <current>: Specify a point or press ENTER

Turns on limits checking. When limits checking is on, you cannot enter points outside the grid limits. Because limits checking tests only points that you enter, portions of objects such as circles can extend outside the grid limits.

Turns off limits checking but maintains the current values for the next time you turn on limits checking.

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